Preparing Your Plumbing System for Valentine's Day

Posted on: 5 March 2019

With Valentine's Day soon coming up, you may be thinking of staying indoors and preparing a tasty meal for your significant other. This is certainly a good idea, as it allows you to spend quality time together without the hassle of the outdoors. An intimate dinner can also create long-lasting memories.

As you prepare for this special occasion, you should ensure that your plumbing system doesn't have any rude surprises in store. It's not uncommon for a drain to block or for your toilet to refuse to flush just when your date has entered the home. To prevent this unpleasant experience, take the following precautionary steps.

1. Check if any drains are slow

In the midst of your busy everyday life, you may fail to notice that a particular sink in the home is draining slower than it should. A slow drain is often the first indicator that there could be a blockage further down the pipe.

A few days before the big day, test all your drains to ensure that they're functioning properly.

2. Keep a nose out for foul odours

Foul odours originating from your drains could indicate two things: a blockage or a damaged pipe. Walk around the home and take a quick smell check of all your drains. If you notice any foul odours, make sure you call a plumber to fix the problem. This will prevent you from exposing your partner to a smelly house on Valentine's Day.

3. Fix any dripping faucets

Dripping faucets are another common plumbing issue that people overlook. Remember that a slow drip can eventually result in a broken and leaking faucet throughout the home.

Valentine's Day is certainly not the time to deal with pools of leaking water around the home. Make sure you have all leaking faucets inspected and sealed up by your plumber.

4. Don't flush any food down the drain

In the last minute rush to finish up your special meal, you may be tempted to simply dump food remains down the drain. Whether it's onion peelings or potato and tomato skins, avoid flushing these items down. They can easily block your pipes and cause a backup of sewage inside the home. If you don't have a garbage disposal unit, have a trash can nearby to place all solid waste.

5. Monitor your water bill

In the days leading up to Valentine's Day, keep a close eye on your water bill. An unusually high bill may point to a leaking pipe or a damaged fixture. A leaking toilet may also drive up your water consumption.

If you're experiencing any of these issues within your home — even if you don't have a Valentine's date coming over — don't hesitate to contact a professional for plumbing services soon to ensure your property is well taken care of.
