• Practical Solutions for Common Plumbing Problems in Toilets

    There are different problems that occur with toilets, given that most of the moving parts on any toilet are inside the tank. These may include the handle assembly, flapper and flush valve. There could also be a problem with the wax seal between the flange in the floor and the toilet. Likewise, the water supply hose connecting the flush valve with shut off valve may wear over time, and begin to leak.
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  • Planning To Renovate Your Bathroom? Seek A Plumbing Service For The Following

    Every bathroom deserves to get a makeover after many years of use. This process allows you to improve the efficiency and aesthetics of one of the most important rooms in your house. Although much of the emphasis during a bathroom renovation revolves around the final building construction phase, it's actually the initial plumbing service that determines if your new bathroom will be as functional as it looks. The plumbing work should be planned and executed in the early stages of the renovation process by carrying out the following:
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  • Bathroom Makeover Projects: Blunders Greenhorn Plumbing Contractors Should Avoid

    Rookie plumbing contractors, when contracted to do plumbing renovation projects, most often make the blunder of raising a client's expectations too highly, only to be confronted with unsettled issues later on that shift the cost of the job up. This is particularly the case in many bathroom renovations, where much of the work to be done is concealed under floors and behind walls.   The following information will highlight some common bathroom remodeling mistakes that you should avoid as a beginning contractor.
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  • What Qualifies As A Plumbing Emergency?

    Many people tend to take their household plumbing for granted, as most of the time it works very efficiently. However, from time to time, issues may arise that you consider just inconvenient but can really be disasters waiting to happen. How do you know if you have a plumbing emergency on the horizon? Low Water Pressure? You may not consider it to be an emergency – yet – but if you have low water pressure you shouldn't simply shrug your shoulders and leave it.
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  • 5 Things to Do If You Have a Plumbing Flood in Your Home

    If one of your plumbing fixtures or pipes overflows or breaks, you may face flooding in your home. That can range from a basement full of water to sewage in your shower. Regardless of the severity of the flooding, here are some things you should do to respond: 1. Turn off the water Before doing anything else, make sure you turn off the water to your house. This stems the flow of water and stops additional flooding.
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  • Nature vs. Manmade: Exploring Tree Root Intrusions in the Plumbing and Taking Preventive Action

    Australia's government has partnered up with businesses and community groups in an effort to increase green space in urban spaces by 20% by 2020. Increasing green space in urban areas offer numerous benefits from improving physical health to environmental health; however, nature will not always willingly coincide with manmade creations. Property owners may need to become increasingly concerned about tree root intrusions affecting their plumbing. Tree Roots Require Water for Growth
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